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Innovating for Sustainability: Rashev&Co Ltd's Perspective on the Dolna Banya Solar Project

2024-03-21 | 1166


In Bulgaria, our regional partners, Rashev&Co Ltd and Qn-SOLAR unite to lead a pioneer renewable energy initiative: a 2 MW PV Plant in Dolna Banya.


This collaboration draws a joint dedication to innovation and sustainability, underscoring both companies' commitment to delivering cleaner energy to Europe. We spoke with Rashev&Co Ltd's CEO, Iliyan Rashev to learn more about the project's goals, challenges, and alignment with Qn-SOLAR's broader vision.



Q: What were the main objectives behind the Dolna Banya powerplant ?

A: The PV Plant Dolna Banya is a cornerstone of our renewable energy efforts. As a solar EPC company, we are dedicated to investing in sustainable practices and contributing to the green transition of EU countries.

Q: What Qn-SOLAR modules were employed, and what advantages do they offer?

A: We chose Qn-SOLAR's QNM182-HS550W-72 PV modules after careful consideration. Their credibility and reliability were instrumental in ensuring optimal productivity, a crucial aspect of our project's success.

Q: What were the key challenges faced, and how were they overcome?

A: Market delays in Bulgaria posed significant challenges. However, with the steadfast support of Qn-SOLAR, we were able to navigate through these obstacles and stay on course towards project completion.



Q: How does this project align with Qn-SOLAR's broader goals?

A: This project perfectly aligns with Qn-SOLAR's vision of driving regional economic development through renewable energy initiatives. It also underscores their commitment to sustainability and leadership in the renewable energy sector.


Q: What impact do you anticipate locally and in the renewable energy sector?

A: Locally, the project will create employment opportunities, stimulate economic growth, and bolster energy security. On a broader scale, it will catalyze market growth, spur innovation, and advocate for policies favoring renewable energy sources.



The Dolna Banya Solar Project represents a significant milestone in Rashev&Co Ltd's journey towards a greener, more sustainable future. With Qn-SOLAR's unwavering support and shared commitment to excellence, this initiative not only sets new benchmarks in renewable energy but also paves the way for a brighter, more sustainable tomorrow for Bulgaria and beyond.


Contact us to learn more about Qn-SOLAR and how you can be a part of the solar energy revolution.


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