Human Rights Policy
2023-08-30 | Views times: 1319
Qn-SOLAR PV LIMITED (hereinafter as “Qn-SOLAR”)
is committed to compliance with the SA8000 Standard, and a standard based on the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and other international human rights practices and social responsibility code of conducts, labor quota standard and Chinese laws, to respect and protect all the personnel under the control and influence of Qn-SOLAR, including the production and service staffs of Qn-SOLAR and its suppliers/subcontractors. It is the fundamental value of a responsible company, and also the expectation of all the stakeholders such as consumers, customers, the public and the government. Qn-SOLAR’s Human Rights policy is the following:
1. Qn-SOLAR is committed to compliance with the SA8000 Standard, the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization and other international human rights practices and social responsibility codes of conduct, especially the guidance listed in the "Part II Normative Elements and the Interpretation" of the "SA8000:2014 Standard".
2. Qn-SOLAR is committed to compliance with national and/or local laws and regulations. To be responsible for Qn-SOLAR itself and for all the employees under Qn-SOLAR’s control and influence, Qn-SOLAR protects the rights and interests of the employees in accordance with laws and regulations, and ensures that their basic living demands are guaranteed. Qn-SOLAR will continuously make efforts to improve working and living conditions and to ensure the health and safety of the employees.
3. Qn-SOLAR establishes a series of policies and procedures to implement the SA8000 Standard and the laws and regulations, including the employees' individual rights, respect for personality, freedom of association, working hours, wages and benefits, health and safety, environmental protection, improvement of working conditions. Qn-SOLAR has established systematic internal rules to govern Qn-SOLAR’s operation and management. Qn-SOLAR will continue to improve these internal rules.
4. Qn-SOLAR prohibits the use of child labor and forced labor (including any form of forced labor such as prison labor, indentured labor), and does not accept any supplier/subcontractor and sub-supplier who uses child labor or forced labor. Qn-SOLAR requires that all suppliers and business partners agree in writing to prohibit the practice of any form of forced labor in their supply chains and to fully cooperate with Qn-SOLAR’s assessments of the potential forced labor indicators. In the event that Qn-SOLAR’s supplier/subcontractor is alleged to have used any form of forced labor or fails to cooperate with an assessment or investigation into forced labor allegations, Qn-SOLAR will immediately terminate any agreement that it has entered into with that supplier/subcontractor and cancel all purchases concerned. Qn-SOLAR regularly assesses and audits its own supply chain and the supply chain of its supplier/subcontractor to ensure that forced labor does not exist at any stage of production process. To ensure that forced labor does not exist at any stage of production process, Qn-SOLAR will assess new suppliers on forced labor prior to any purchase, verify the production site of Qn-SOLAR itself and conduct on-site inspection and audit on the product site of new and existing suppliers. Qn-SOLAR will work with third-party auditors, government agencies and other responsible enforcement agencies to audit new and existing suppliers/subcontractors. Qn-SOLAR complies with all national and/or local labor laws and regulations regarding the minimum employment age, employment conditions and working conditions.
5. Qn-SOLAR respects the employees’ freedom of choice of work, and prohibits any form of forced labor such as deposit payment, surrender of government-issued identification or payment of recruitment fees or other fees, to ensure that the employment is voluntary. Qn-SOLAR provides all the employees with a written employment agreement, and does not prohibit the employees from travelling or free movement.
6. Qn-SOLAR will continuously improve the working and living conditions for the health and safety of the employees, and take measures to eliminate or reduce hazards to the greatest extent in order to provide the employees with a safe and good working and living environment, including: all workshops, warehouses, office buildings, dormitories and other buildings shall meet the requirements of national standards, and satisfy the standards in terms of construction quality, fire protection and environmental protection; no excessive dust, noise, moisture and smoke that results in high temperature and serious air pollution is generated in any workshop and production process; each of production phase is equipped with safety protection facilities and labor protection products in accordance with national regulations; the Company regularly carries out waste water, exhaust gas, noise discharge testing, fire protection facilities testing, lightning protection facilities testing, employee drinking water testing in accordance with national regulations to ensure the health of the
employees. Any of the Company’s employee who subjects other employees to unsafe working conditions will be terminated immediately.
7. Qn-SOLAR promotes the cooperation between the employees and the management, protects the rights of the employees to form and join trade unions, and pays careful attention to the employees’ concerns. Qn-SOLAR encourages the employees to express their concerns regarding the Company’s policies and/or working conditions, and provides the employees with the opportunity for discussion.
8. Qn-SOLAR is committed to providing all the employees an equal and fair working and living environment without any intimidation, abuse, exploitation or sexual assault. No employee shall be subject to any form of discrimination and insultation for any reason such as geographical origin. No employee shall be subject to any discrimination due to skin color, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation or disability in any of the labor practices including hiring, promotion, wage and work assignment.
9. Qn-SOLAR is committed to ensuring that all the employees are treated with dignity and respect. No employee shall be subject to physical, verbal or emotional abuse. Any of the Company’s employee who subjects other employees to abusive working conditions will be terminated immediately.
10. Qn-SOLAR complies with all national and/or local labor laws and regulations governing regular and overtime working hours. The Company will arrange the production plans, working hours, rest and vacations in a timely and reasonable manner in accordance with laws and regulations.
11. Qn-SOLAR complies with all national and/or local labor laws and regulations governing regular and overtime wages. Qn-SOLARwill offer the employees a market-based and fair wage and remuneration in a timely fashion, at least to satisfy the basic living demands of the employess. Qn-SOLARwill ensure that the wages are paid once a month, unless national and/or local laws and regulations require otherwise a shorter period. Qn-SOLAR prohibits the practice of withholding wages as a disciplinary measure or for any other reason.
12. Qn-SOLAR will provide the training of social responsibility management to all the employees and stakeholders, especially the employees responsible for supply chain and sourcing decisions. The trainings will be conducted for new employee upon recruitement and annually thereafter. Additional trainings will be conducted if the laws and regulations require the change of the Company’s policy.
13. Qn-SOLAR will provide sufficient opportunities and procedural safeguard to facilitate the employees to communicate with the Company. The employees or other stakeholders who become aware of the allegations and/or violations of this Policy shall immediately report to the Company’s Complaint Management Committee. Qn-SOLAR will immediately conduct an investigation into the reported allegation to determine any violation of this Policy. Qn-SOLAR will keep confidential the name and identification information of the reporting employee, and no employee will be subject to adverse employment decisions due to the reporting. The employees who knowingly violate this Policy will be terminated.
14. Qn-SOLAR will establish social responsibility management policy, procedures and implementation documents, set up execution team and supervising mechanism, regularly review the suitability and effectiveness of the system, influence the stakeholders by effective means and in appropriate forms and improve the system continually.
15. Qn-SOLAR will update the Policy timely and publish the latest version on the website:
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